首頁 / 退貨及退款政策
倘若產品缺貨,我們會透過WhatsApp通知閣下,我們有權提供相同價格的其他產品以供客人選擇,或安排於14個工作日內退還缺貨產品款項 (以當天所購買的缺貨產品金額為準)。 所有已訂購之產品一律不退不換,運輸小瑕疵請多包涵,嚴重破損請拍照拒收,所有書本盒子或外包裝破損不作售後,介意慎拍! 客戶有責任確保填寫地址的準確性,如有誤寄本店恕不負責。 一般落單後10個工作天內送到,預售圖書除外,周末訂單會順延至下一個工作日安排,急單慎拍! 本店都是先安排發貨,後提供運單號碼,整理需時,盡量7天內提供單號,急單不接不回,謝謝。 Buy Duck Good有權對退貨及退款政策條款作出修改而不用事前通知閣下,並有權拒絕更換貨的權利,如有任何爭議,Buy Duck Good保留最終決定權。 If the product is out of stock, we will notify you via WhatsApp and we reserve the right to offer another product at the same price for you to choose from or arrange a refund of that product within 14 working days (based on the amount of the out of stock product purchased on that day). All ordered products are non-refundable and non-exchangeable, please accept small defects in shipping, please take photos of serious damage and refuse to accept. No after-sales service for all book boxes or outer packaging damage. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure the accuracy of the address filled in, and we are not responsible for any misdelivery. Except for pre-order books, orders are normally fulfilled within 10 working days. Orders placed on weekends will be postponed to the next working day. We arrange shipping first and then provide the waybill number, it takes time to sort out, we try to provide the waybill number within 7 days. Buy Duck Good reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of the return and refund policy without prior notice and the right to refuse exchanges in the event of any dispute and Buy Duck Good reserves the right of final decision.